Interior smile

The snow is gone but the cold is back. It was a good weekend. I went to the movies (“Hidden Figures”) and was feted one last time for my birthday (breakfast out and more gifts). I spent two hours straightening my studio and it felt divine (PS, I found 46 collages of SoulCollage material, ready to be xeroxed — I am on a ROLL). We had that lobster salad!

This week, prosaic stuff (speaking of birthdays and AGE): a shingles shot, a cholesterol re-check, and osteoporosis research.

I was told earlier this month that my bone density declined ‘precipitously’. Both doctors used the word ‘severe’. Yikes. I was all set to schedule medical intervention (in the form of an annual shot), until I heard that these meds only make your bones denser, they don’t actually make them stronger. What the fuck is that?

I have always been agile and sometimes, even graceful and athletic. It is really new to gingerly baby step across the ice, fearful of falling.

So, yeah, prosaic. But, I have to say — I can’t wait to watch my TV recording of the epic screw up during the Academy Awards last night. So much for the locked brief cases and CPA-precision, huh?

PPS  Regarding the post’s title, “Interior Smile” — listening to Tim Ferris podcast (author of the Four Hour Work Week), I was led to this wonderful 25 minute meditation led by Tara Brach — she leads the listener to imagine and then feel a smile in every part of the body. Wonderful! Maybe apply after every dose of the news?