Friday after CA shuts down

Days SEVEN and EIGHT of Home Containment

10:30 pm Learn that all of California is on lockdown.

10:40 pm Learn that C worked all day Tuesday with a guy now quarantined and exhibiting symptoms. C’s roommate is away for the next near term. My brother, who lives in LA but works sometimes on Long Island, may not be able to return. By air, anyway.

11:00 pm Read a twitter feed peppered with stories about young men almost dying. The symptoms. The difficulty getting tested. Being refused care.

3:00 am Awake

7:00 am Watch YouTube videos on how to make face masks

8:00 am Package a thermometer and electrolyte tablets to ship to LA

9:00 Send HIPAA release back to therapist so we can meet on Zoom

9:30 Eat banana bread with peanut butter thinking, “how delicious” and “maybe I’ll finally use up all the dark brown-skinned bananas in the freezer.”

9:35 K whistles in the shower. Some things don’t change.

9:55 Read Windthread blog about the doe Caroline giving birth to two kids and wonder at the nature of contrast and connection — Grace in California in the birthing shed or with Emrie insisting on sleep at the very same time I read about Gavin Newsom’s order for all of California and learned about C’s recent exposure.

I will get around to uplifting messages but for now I rely on others to put them out (Thank you, Liz. Thank you, Jude).

That guy above, BTW, is the original cut out who became all those Jared Kushner collages.

PS We know about Burr and other corrupt GOP possible insider trading because they’re required to disclose. How much money are the trumps making? There’s reporting about Jared cashing in, but I haven’t had the stomach to pursue it yet.