Found a notebook

My sister left behind quite a collection of mostly empty sketchbooks. Two springs ago, right after her death, I decided to use one for the collage project being run by Acey. I may have posted many of these pix before but I found this draft post and decided to share.

To make the paper weaving, I glued the tops of the vertical strips, then wove the horizontals. I tacked the horizontals with glue here and there.

This collection of strips hasn’t been glued yet. Actually it only has two horizontal strips. The top two thirds LOOKS woven just by virtue of jogging the tree trunks up and down.

You might wonder: why James Franco?

Well I liked his naked form against that charcoal background but also, young(ish) men often show up in my collages. Earlier in life, I’d have said they were explorations of my male side, but since having two sons they feel like attempts to understand what it means to come of age as a man in the 2000’s.

Below are a bunch more. The second one is one of two Tarot cards that I’ve made: The Fool. Number Zero of the Major Arcana.

For info on this collage project see Acey’s blog sparklinglotusink (if it’s still there)

For more SoulCollage cards of mine, go to Flickr on sidebar and open the SoulCollage album (if it’s still there). Or, track the SoulCollage and collage tags here.

I’ve noticed missing photos in older blog posts and am having trouble getting any sort of useful answers from WordPress. They suggest, knowing nothing, that it’s usually the user’s fault. And I’m certain it’s the platform’s fault. Just another goddamned thing to figure out, ya know?