19 degrees and looking for good news

You won’t find good news in Pulitzer-prize winning science writer Ed Yong’s recent article in The Atlantic. (Short version: the collapse of the health care system is worse than you think and about to get worse yet).

You won’t find good news in my messages with Younger Son whose girlfriend tested positive on Thursday and whose boss is an idiot.

You won’t find it in a recent Boston Globe article about local insurrectionists who’ve been charged with picketing, disturbance of the peace, and trespass.*

But you might find good news in back-to-back speeches this week. I think they signal a new sense of urgency about the rise of autocracy.

Attorney General Garland’s speech on Jan 5 said some of the right things but because it doesn’t appear that the DOJ is investigating any of the insurrection planners/funders, it couldn’t get me too excited. However, coming as it did a day before Biden’s blistering take down of the former guy, it made me think that a change is gonna come.

Lastly, there is still great comedy out there. If you need a laugh, google “Abhor Rent Colbert.” I’d embed the YouTube link but I am starting to wonder what such insertions cost me in terms of memory. It’s easy enough to find the clip.

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* How about conspiracy to interfere with a government process? Or how about destruction of federal property (remember trump upping the penalty to ten years for that when the destruction was Confederate statues?)