Tag Archives: abuse

SoulCollage Card — The Abuser

The Abuser_edited-1

Just like ‘The Creep’ card that I made last week, I have to sit with this one to discover what suit it belongs in.

The B&W face is actually a hero — Winston Churchill in an upcoming movie.  His stern face looks like a man who will stop at nothing to get what he wants (of course, that describes Churchill in some measure).  I include the face though, not as a hero, but as a figure of compulsion and waywardness.  A figure who will do as he pleases whatever the consequences.  Does every Abuser have a hidden Churchill? Working with aspects of self does tend to make one aware of the two-sided nature of things.

The screaming Catholic figure comes from a recent article about Francis Bacon, and carries his signature horror.  The doll is a piece of fitting Gothic imagery, and it is being held by Marilyn Manson’s girlfriend (model friend?)… I don’t remember her name… will supply later.  The red “D” is self-referential.

Process Note — This collage was worked large (about 12″ x 8″) and reduced on the color copier (by about 75%).  I used rubber cement sparingly to make the collage, knowing that it would be copied and not need to be totally glued down.  I used PVA glue, wiped on with a brush, to attach the color copy to the chip board, folding over the edges, like a present and gluing a piece of decorative paper on the back.  This feels like a comfortable way to work for me.

It is not my intention to teach readers about SoulCollage®, but rather to simply share what is percolating in my studio, on my pages, and in my creative process.

To learn about this remarkable process, go to SoulCollage.com, where you can find out about Seena Frost, who developed SoulCollage®.

Or, dive into the amazing work and teaching of Anne Marie Bennett on her website, KaleidoSoul.  Anne Marie’s passion for this work is evident on her site.