Tag Archives: installation


This winter in particular makes us feel like survivors… we made it through. Endured. My little fiber  house had been tipped by the snow and now I have tipped it back. Can’t wait to see if its companion of last season (a fern that grew up through it) comes back (of course it will come back! why wouldn’t it come back?).

Well, so much damage in our yard this year from the storms. A little heart breaking. Nevertheless, reasons to sigh and celebrate are to be found everywhere.


Of the many FINDS in my recent cellar-clean-out, this little house has grabbed my attention. I added the ‘beams’ to an existing felt and cotton and upholstery structure, and asked myself, “How to build a roof?”

After taking a series of pictures just now in the morning light near the spring bulbs and just now emerging but still coiled ferns, I got an idea.

What if I cut a hole in the bottom and positioned it over a fern and watched greenery fill my house? No roof. Open to sky, rain. Filled with the glory that is a fern stretching into its full summery frond.