Greta and Rumi


One of the comments from yesterday really stayed with me today.  It was Victoria saying:

 “Truth is, I seem to always live in the ying and yang of being grateful and ungrateful. I try not to take my blessings for granted, yet I feel unrest or frustration on a daily basis, (often over insignificant stuff) which causes me to utter complaint(s), (silently or spoken) and then I immediately see the flip side of it, which humbles me, and gives me a reason to pause and express my profound gratitude.”

I thought of her this morning while attending the memorial service for my neighbor.  The pastor quoted Rumi:

“Your hand opens and closes, opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralyzed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as birds’ wings.”

So, in addition to re-consecrating one of my notebooks as a Gratitude Journal, I am going to do my best to accept the part of me that closes into a fist and wishes for something different.

 [I finished this doll this weekend.  I call her Greta.  Find her here:  clothcompany.  Oh! and one of my little pine cloth ornaments made an Etsy Treasury].