Shadows and light

On Dog Walk #1, I listened to The Daily podcast and heard about the proper, sensible approach to the pandemic: the Hammer and the Dance. The Hammer is the lock down. The Dance is the gradual opening in controlled ways.

Discouraging in and of itself and also discouraging in that a sensible approach isn’t possible with this president.

And then there’s the ongoing federal heists of PPE taking place on tarmacs. These thefts have been called ‘mafia style politics’ and compared to Soviet-style corruption It’s way worse than the federal government leaving the states on their own and not helping. It’s way worse than price gouging and outbidding the states. It’s out and out theft of supplies that the states have sourced and paid for.

This article makes me think we need a word beyond “OUTRAGEOUS:” New York Magazine.

On lighter notes:

I’ll be posting another Pantry Soup tomorrow. Also, I determined that a huge piece of lavender linen that my cousin, Ginny Mallon, sent me will make a fine robe. To follow along with Jude.

And finally, I finished all 55 masks that I’d committed to making. Plus three for next door neighbors totaling 58.