Ponder switch ponder more

In the room where I write, various robe ideas are being auditioned. The beige linen is too small, I’ve discovered, so even if it is to be a vest, cloth has to be added to the sides. Bah. Makes the lavender linen more appealing after all. Maybe I can in fact find colors to go with it?

Food procurement has been a little nuts this week mostly because of my pea brain. I ended up with three orders in five days. Not what I intended.

Four dozen eggs? Six heads of lettuce? You can tell what I ran out of several weeks back. I feel like a dolt.

I am sick and tired of walking the dog in a light rain with temps in the thirties. Often, the LOW thirties. Seriously shitty weather here for too long. I can hardly talk to son and brother in LA with them complaining about a heat wave.

For our second walk today, the sky cleared a little and temps rose to the fifties.

Much discussion in writing class today and elsewhere about how our habits have changed because of the coronavirus. What’s changed for the better? What of our old life maybe needs to be surrendered? How are we finding the increased quiet, the slower pace (if so lucky to be afforded that?) Read Kristin’s comment from yesterday. More on this from me later.