Cut and run

I cut this one up. Sliding pieces of it around on the table downstairs yielded nothing of note.

That’s how it goes sometimes.

It’s 18 degrees. I’ll wait a bit to walk until it hits the 20’s.

Best news: my elder son got his first vaccination! None too soon for the numbers in LA County continue to climb to a shocking degree. One in three people are now positive.

My sister in law here in Massachusetts got her first shot too. Such sweet relief! She is a physical therapist who does home visits.

Looks like K and I won’t be in the shot pool until April, May, June. Of course I’m happy not to have comorbidities (or do I? Something to find out), but given that we miss the age cut off by 13 to 17 months, it feels like a long time to wait.

(I’m still on a register of home health aides back from sister-care days and got a text — but it didn’t feel ethical to say yes).

Our governor is taking significant heat for the roll out.

Meanwhile, I’m not sure I should be going to all those doctor visits I’ve lined up. Frustrating. Mammogram can wait. Annual can wait. Cardiologist can’t.

Speaking of hearts — this oldie but goodie got some machine stitching yesterday and I’m thinking of adding some yellow braiding.