Opening in the center

20140703-235254-85974225.jpgFirst, a rectangle. Then, a turtle born from its center. A long idle period ensued.
The center opened up (thanks for the idea, Jude).  And I got to work.
“The Paradise” entertained me (BBC period drama).  It is what “Selfridge’s” might have been had it been any good.  My husband figured out that we could keep the air on downstairs without risking a flow of water through the mudroom’s light fixture. This was a great relief.

I could live with the ‘having to take two warps at a time’ mistake (seen above).  In part, because it reminded me of spider parables cautioning against arrogance and the middle eastern rug-making practice of purposely allowing imperfection so as not to offend the gods.
But, when I took the piece out of the hoop, a faulty tension revealed itself:  oh such major lumps!! This is imperfection of a different order. The spoiling kind.  I couldn’t find my spray bottle (it’s been missing so long now I have to assume the leprechauns took it), so damp-stretching was not an immediate option. The attempt to stabilize with machine stitch was quickly abandoned.

Since some of us are headed to the Rocky Mountains today, it will have to wait.
Laundry got done in town. This beast gobbled up 23 quarters!!!  K. has disassembled our machine, watched YouTube repair videos, and ordered parts. Probably will save us $900.
Last night, the studio received its ‘flood preparation pick up’.  All items on floor are housed in plastic bins — no paper, no baskets, no leather or wood. Rugs up. Foot pedal up. I hope this will have been an unnecessary precaution.
Spotty check ins for a bit. My password for WP is not working on my phone this morning for some completely opaque reason, so we shall see.