Cleaning the Face of Time

Making every clock face and mirror in the house shine seemed a good way to start the new year. Hello time! Hello light!

It’s easy to get carried away and soon I found myself shoving a bookcase aside to remove many seasons’ worth of dust from a cold air exchange. And then I folded all my scarves. Lots of vacuuming.

K. has been repairing cracks in the ceiling downstairs on either side of decorative arch that separates the dining and living areas. Many cracks are to be expected in a 200+ year old structure, but his close attention made him realize that it’s probably not great to have five hefty bookcases sitting on the line of that arch upstairs, plus a super-heavy mirror from the twenties or thirties.

So in addition to removing dust, shining glass, and vacuuming, I transferred many books to the bedroom. There will be a culling soon, but not today. The bookcase above has one-third fewer books now.

In the meantime, we canceled our trip out west to see the boys. The case numbers are just too crazy. Fortunately, we saw both of them quite a few times in 2021.