Tag Archives: arsenal center

Midweek in May


Here’s Jack enjoying the sun… normally, I cannot snap a relaxed and happy picture of him because of his camera-phobia.  But I was half-hiding behind some inkberries and the sun must have been in his eyes.

Today is drab — more like this picture.

Quilters are so famous for not finishing things, that they have appropriated an acronym for easy reference to quilts-in-the-making — “UFO” is an  “unfinished object.”   This UFO (pictured above) was discovered this past weekend in one of my bins.  I just bound it and hung it upstairs.  It used to be part of a much larger quilt, one that was not coming together and so suffered the fate of fragmentation.

[June 13 Addendum — I finished the little piece pictured on my Bernina above — and here it is!]:

"Exuberance", about 4.5" x 7"

One of the quilts I submitted to the Quilters’ Connection show this year was a cut up and rearranged quilt.  I photographed it for submission when it was still a UFO, trusting that it would become likable along the way.  Well, I was wrong.  I still don’t really like it and submitted it anyway.  Whoo… that constitutes risky behavior at my age!

Anyway, I helped hang the QC show this morning and as usual, there are many, many impressive quilts.  Show opens tomorrow and goes through Sunday at The Arsenal Center for the Arts in Watertown, MA.