Tag Archives: art in bloom

More stars — two Grand Crosses


‘casual’ trapunto moon

I’ve been thinking in a somewhat unfocused way about the Cardinal Grand Cross happening in the heavens right now.  It was exact four days ago on April 23, 2014, and will be influencing us until July.

There are a few things that I might be inclined to attribute to the formation — some sleeplessness, heightened conflict with my sister, a friend’s marriage falling apart, another friend’s very difficult transition in moving to California, familiar but loud self-queries about my abilities in life — but otherwise, not so much.

Looking further afield, I would name: three teen suicides in Newton this academic year, the drought in California, tensions in Ukraine, the active tremors along the Pacific Rim, the Malaysian airliner’s disappearance, depressing news about climate change, climate change itself, and the Korean ferry accident.

I have a natal Grand Cross (fixed). Is it possible that I am personally so familiar with the things that Grand Crosses impart that the passing one has less impact on me?  Or maybe (and I like this idea better), since the crosses overlap in a way that forms a star, I’ve got a GRAND STAR going on.  A Grand Star would be all about momentum, release, and forging ahead in freedom and joy (instead of about stuckness, being embattled, unable to forge anywhere or anything) — right?!!

From Astrologer Cinzia Meneghello:

 “The ‘squareness’ of a Grand Cross can awaken our ability to conceive its opposite: harmonious flow.  Every hindrance (each squared aspect) has the potential to lift the curtains of focused intent and perseverance.  Every obstacle (Grand Crosses are sure to bring some) has the innate tendency to awaken our higher self in order to appreciate challenges and to show us how strong we really are.”  and

“this Grand Square should be a stepping stone into facing a darkness that we may have not have accepted yet, one that can awaken a deeper understanding of our own intrinsic worth and self-less values… “

After a truly awful phone call with my sister the night before last, the morning brought resolve and forgiveness. A wonderful trip to the annual “Art in Bloom” show at the Museum of Fine Arts the next morning helped, too. It was 42 degrees and raining when we arrived but the excitement inside was contagious and uplifting.

It seemed to me that the show began in the ticket line!

It is really interesting to see how the various professional florists, gardening clubs or other groups, decide how to respond in flowers to their assigned work of art. (The guy in the interior was swinging his arms around — to release stress?)

The show is ephemeral — like the sand paintings of the Tibetan monks, never intended to endure.  It is up for three days and three days only.  And then the vases are removed, the special docents with their clumps of (mostly women) followers go silent, and we all wait for NEXT year’s installments.

‘Course this was only my second visit.  But I am determined to go next year! And the year after that, too.  And there is a quilt show up until July.  Can’t wait to see that!

PS  After a decades-lapse in following astrology, I am approaching it in a sidelong way because of the really great free app “Time Passages” by Astrograph.  I can see my chart and the kids’ and my sister’s, etc., at the tap of a finder.  Transits are there. And of course, you can pay for more (but I don’t).

Hiatus & Newton Open Studios

Sinead O'Connor picture at the MFA

After living in the Boston area for 23 years, I finally managed to see the ‘Art in Bloom’ exhibit at the MFA.  Well, sort of.  I had an hour and it was really packed, but I saw a few and marveled over a them and took a couple of pictures…

The bouquet for this picture was amazing (my picture of it was not) — with a spiky plant capturing the stubble, an orchid for an ear, and a massing of white roses for the skin and purity.  I think this was a Ritts photograph, but I’m not sure, and I’m sorry I didn’t see who made the floral arrangement either.  The photograph is very large, which adds to its impact — roughly 3.5 to 4′ wide.

Newton Open Studios is coming up!  On May 16 and 17, my home will be open from 11 to 5.   I have lots of new work, and two other artists will be here — Dan Wiener, who makes incredible ceramics and Maria Mizrahi, who fashions tropical nuts into funky, chunky jewelry.

So the blog will be quiet until after that  (I always work right up until the last minute).  Everything for sale in my etsy store will be available here.  If time permits, I’ll post some pictures.