Tag Archives: drawing

felt house – toot/toot

Yesterday, I spent the better part of the morning having a love affair with my new tripod (now, now, don’t even picture those dirty things!).  Truly, I am having so much fun.  To prepare for tomorrow’s class, I made a new felt hut and documented as I went.  A total first stab at a still-life tutorial — here.  It runs just shy of a minute, so I hope you can take a peek.  Criticism welcome.

Meanwhile, the moon has been peeking in my window.  This is roughly the view from my bed.  Aspidistra and beech limbs talking in lines while the moon makes an illuminated beauty spot, a little like Peppy Miller, and her “little something extra”, in the movie ‘The Artist’.

Digging up and documenting and noodling.  Part of my gift to C. for his quickly approaching 18th birthday, is a collection of journal entries about him (I am already way behind schedule!)  The picture below goes back much further, however, to a batch of illustrations created for book of poems written as a freshman in college (1975).  I’ll spare you the poetry.

Meanwhile, my plaster friends probably have at least another season in them.  They certainly will keep themselves entertained.  I suspect they are talking about me, here.

Although perhaps they, too, are taken with the moon, rouging them up to a feminine pink here.

speaking of text…

Flipping through one of many sketch books in this house, came upon this page this morning.  I don’t know if C. or D. wrote it or when, but I think I need to put it on a wall where I can see it every day.

And, from my sketchbook this past weekend (a skiier taking a break for lunch on the deck of the lodge — his goggles perched on his forehead):


Track practice knows no vacations.

Danny Gregory‘s “Every Day Matters” inspiring some drawing.
“Protect this House” seems like as good a year end prayer as any.
“If it feels good, it’s guidance” seems like as good a check-in practice as any —
(from the recent Cloth, Paper, Scissors magazine in an article by Patricia Baldwin Seggebruch).

Recent computer update creating hassles (of course) none of which I seem to be able to sort out.
Which is why this scan is haloed and weird instead of simply a line drawing.

Too much tending, cooking, visiting, eating, sleeping, reading to get much of anything else done.
Hope I can get a few piles of crap into the basement or garage tomorrow, with help.

ArtSpark Theatre — Illustration Challenge

"Anthony was amazed when he looked out the window and observed..."

This was fun!  Artist Susan Sanford issued an illustration challenge in the form of the unfinished drawing and caption, above (on her blog, ArtSpark Theatre).  I don’t normally draw, but this was too hard to resist.  It being Halloween, my drawing has an otherwordly quality to it.

"... a giant head."

I was shocked, actually, that the face looked so friendly, given that I was using a horrible looking head as a reference (the head below the drawing on the side bar — or next to it in flickr).  But there you have it!  Often my work comes out darker than I want, something I alternately take pride in and am dismayed by.  It feels like a refreshing change for something I INTEND to look wicked to come out looking so amiable and harmless!

Spring in New England

We had a brief snow squall over the weekend, and frigid temperatures yesterday and today.  Great light, though.  Really great light!

I am beginning to collect some urban textures for a next project.

Also, I am really looking at roof lines, because as I continue with house quilts, I want to vary the simple triangle roof I have been making for way too long.

It felt good to step out of the very, very crowded orthodontist’s office (door to the far left in drawing above) and pull out some packing paper I had garbage-picked a few weeks back and DRAW.  Which means to LOOK, and SEE.  Shadows, lines, the cold, cold wind — so much better than flipping through an old Redbook (they don’t even get PEOPLE at this orthodontist) in a stuffy room full of other annoyed people.

Tomorrow — the Small Town quilt update…