Tag Archives: gop

Villages and lies

There has been something compensatory, soothing even, hand stitching on two village quilts while listening to the Kavanaugh hearings.

But perhaps not compensatory enough. I felt sick last night while going to sleep. Worried about it a little. It is the first time since November 2016 where I truly thought I might need to stay away from the news for a while.

The gasbags of the patriarchy, otherwise known as the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee, were no easy listen. I’ve tweeted, posted on FB, talked with friends, texted and DM’d in real time. Thank goodness for those connections. That humor. That shared outrage.

But this morning, waking to the first sun in ages, I’m typed out about it all. Here are a few highlights.

(Well, certainly not a “quarters game”).




It was a good week to send my first 20 postcards to voters.

Enjoy your weekend, all. Today is a day to get out in the fall air with K and the dog. Tomorrow we’re seeing a play called “The Niceties.”