Tag Archives: “the artists way”

Five “Roads not Taken”


SoulCollage — fifth or sixth ‘Surrender’ card — here specifically about dancing

In Week One of “The Artist’s Way“, Julia Cameron suggests making a list of five alternate lives (the Progoff journal method does this, too, calling them “roads not taken”). This is a simple but effective way to re-discover parts of ourselves that we may have left behind.

Cameron adds another step — to try and bring some flavor of one or all into the week.

Here’s my list:
Japanese scholar
Jungian therapist
Constitutional lawyer / social activist
Sheep farmer and weaver

What are a few of your “roads not taken” and how might you let them into your life?

I’ll let you know how it goes.

[I’ve picked up Cameron’s book over and over in the past decades — Years when I have done the ‘Morning Pages’ practice have been better than the years when I have not. Her wisdom has been more than useful to me. This time, I was inspired by Heather K. Powers — a Charleston artist and organizational guru whom I met in September at the Sea Island Indigo Workshop. She just started an ‘Artist’s Way’ group in SC, which I found myself wishing I could participate in.

I hope to go week by week without breaks in order to let the momentum of Cameron’s 12-week process build. I am already dreading the Media Fast, which will be very, very hard for me. I also hope to find the journal pages from when I did this before — to compare].