More rain

There are so many things I am struggling to figure out. Like why when I write up a long WordPress post on my laptop, many of the blocks do not then “read” on my phone. Or why Instagram disappeared on my blog and reinstalling the widget doesn’t seem to work. Or why installing a newsletter subscribe button seems to require that I learn how to code.

On a more existential level, this self-publishing path is rocky, steep, and arid. It seems like every time I get moderately excited about a possible hybrid publisher, I go to their reviews and find comments like, “RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN IN THE OTHER DIRECTION,” “they don’t care about authors,” “they missed every deadline and made me wrong about it.” You get the picture. Complaints about unpaid royalties, abysmal customer service, shitty print versions, and so on.

I’ll get there but it’s daunting, particularly since there really isn’t much incentive here ($1.05 royalty on a paperback. 76 cents on ebook?) A break even situation? (not real numbers but you get the idea).

Meanwhile, with the relentless rain it’s occurred to me that New England is turning into the Pacific Northwest.

Masks. Speaking of four years ago…

I dreamt about a cathedral quilt, a construction style I’ve never attempted, and have since been thinking about how blankets = home = sacred space.
