Tag Archives: weaving

An Excellent Day

All of a sudden, the profusion of growth in New England makes the mind reel.  It is happening so fast!  Everywhere I turn, something flowers or blades upward, about to unfurl.  Even the sweet woodruff, so humble and unassuming, offers a splendid display.

I think I have another fiber artist to thank for the multitude of blooms on our wisteria.  Normally, our vine confounds us by producing one or two blossoms — maybe five in a lush year.  I have tried ‘savagely pruning’, as recommended on Victory Garden or some similar show, but with never with any real results.

This year, however, fiber artist and papermaker Velma Bolyard put out the call for wisteria vine in order to try weaving with its bast (her work as an artist and teacher is inspiring — find her here: Wake Robin).  So, I cut the vine a couple of times in April — something I never have done before — and voila!  It is going like gangbusters out there with pale clusters of flowers all over.  I will have to make a note to repeat the pruning in April next spring!

Day 15

The ferns grow at an amazing clip.

The fiber house is soon to be enclosed by greenery.

But the best unfolding of the day was the happy, happy news that my sister has been deemed eligible for both SSI and SSDI.  I screamed outloud and peed myself a little, it was such good news.  (Eighty percent of applicants are turned down at the first go ’round).  I was prepared for the appeal process and ANOTHER five or six months of uncertainty.  Suddenly, a future for her seems possible.  Suddenly, four months of effort have a positive resolution.  I might even go so far as to assert that the $50,ooo I paid for a legal education paid off a little today.

First ‘Script Quilt’ in 2010

I ‘wrote’ on the woven Journal Pages by couching cotton threads on top in cursive-like loops.  Sometimes, I stitched with ecru thread, other times, red.

I fiddled with the sides by folding over the bottom floral — which I had placed right-side up, so as to have the more subtle wrong-side showing when folded over.  On the left, though, I inserted a strip from another upholstery sample in order to pick up some of the warm tones of the sharpie and to define the edge a little more.

After the couching, I gessoed the piece, wrote on it with pen and pencil, and hand-stitched a few micro-bits of fabric.  Then, I  applied quite a lot of machine quilting in a basic grid, mostly, sometimes in a jagged, frantic tight mess, to look like another ‘woven’ strip.

I kept a lot of the quilted thread tails on, stitched them to the surface for some added ‘writing’.

Finally, I brushed some pigment (Pearl Ex super bronze by Jacquard) mixed with ModPodge lustre lightly over some areas and a little less lightly in others, mostly to give added dimension to some of the couched threads.

It’s almost done, I think.  Not sure if I’ll do anything to further finish top and bottom edges.  Maybe.

Purposefully, about the size of a piece of paper.

Many directions suggested by this initial 2010 Script Quilt — some suggested by talented readers.  Thank you for the ideas… can’t wait to explore more!

And, now, back to the BIG PIECE which keeps getting BIGGER,

bottom half of the top third?!!!

and to Danny, who feels punky today.