Morning in February

I come downstairs. Voices in the kitchen. A man with a German accent is discussing intellectual property. I recognize one of the lawyer’s voices and think yet again about how much I love it. K is not muted. Dare I clank some ice into a glass? A loud bird is squawking at regular intervals. To my mind, as good a contribution as any. It’s hilarious, actually.

And now, to walk the dog. This time of year, cold is mitigated a good deal by the sun. It’s 39 degrees out, not 28 like Monday. I may not wear a hat!

Here is a side by side of my father’s father, Francis Mallon, and Son #2. What do you think?

Closing with celestial images from the walls upstairs.

Texas friends: hang in there! Here in New England, we count the days ’til spring. Less than a month, now.

11 thoughts on “Morning in February

  1. Tina

    Son #2 is a very handsome fella. People have often told me that I look a lot like my grandmother .. why I’m not totally sure and although I never met her the idea of it made me happy.
    We had a beautiful sunny day yesterday .. of course coming home to a surprise gift totally warmed me inside and out. It is cloudy today but one more day closer to spring. Woohoo!!

    1. deemallon Post author

      I’m one of those people that doesn’t look like her childhood pictures so who I looked like at ten is not necessarily who I looked like at fifteen or 22. At my grandfather’s death bed (other side of the family), he called me by his youngest daughter’s name. That resemblance was easy to see.

  2. Nancy

    You’ve so well captured a moment in time and through time in this post Dee. The threads of connection, thick, thin or blurry…or obvious. I think I look like my father and my mom, sister more just like mom. My kids – son more like me, daughter more like their dad’s family. Interesting to ponder.

  3. Liz A

    We hung in and came out in one piece … thanks for the good thoughts, which helped much

    Today it’s 84 and I wore sandals on my stroll to the mail box … global weirding continues unabated


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