
So the backyard project took days longer than promised and it’s still not done but what’s in place now is officially amazing. My guess is that the delays would have been utterly unremarkable if we’d hired more help over the years. In fact, over the back fence, my frequent-help-hiring neighbor said, “So some things haven’t changed.”

Maybe the delays would’ve been unremarkable, too, if I wasn’t also waiting for feedback on my first draft.

Waiting for the tax decision by the Supreme Court (coming tomorrow, Thursday). Waiting to hear more from Mary Trump’s book.

And then underlying everything — the biggest waiting of all, with the highest stakes at play, waiting for this national nightmare to be over. For the giant turd that is trump to exit office. The suspense over how pervasively and with what ingenuity he will cheat is really, really hard to take.

War and martial law do not seem at all out of the realm of possibilities, given his psychopathology.

Wondering if perhaps, as some think, his dementia will take him down first. Then what? Ive been watching the documentation of his symptoms on Twitter with an eagerness that is not pretty.

Tomorrow: steam of consciousness prose. I’ll bet you can hardly wait!

12 thoughts on “Limbo

  1. Nancy

    Okay, so love the crow and the cloth, especially the centered woven part…love the patio, even if I don’t understand what your neighbor was saying. It’s going to be ready for a Mandala Dance Party before you know it! What I’ve heard of Mary Trump’s book confirms and then some! My a-ha for the day is that his abusive/dysfunctional relationship with his dad explains his seeking, cowardly relationships with Putin and others…they are all his father, who he must keep them liking him.

    1. deemallon

      The neighbor meant even tho the world is topsy turvy, contractors missing deadlines has stayed the same.

    1. deemallon

      Thank you! Until K builds a round fire pit, we’ll center our square fire table in the middle.

  2. Jen NyBlom

    Oh Dee! That patio is absolutely gorgeous!!!!—(is that bluestone?) And yes, you are sounding so very calm…I go through moments of calm and utter chaos. And, yes. WAITING. (especially for the moment when that waste of flesh is gone, Gone, GONE.

    1. deemallon

      Thank you, Jen. Your yard has been a bit of an inspiration with it’s defined living areas.

  3. ravenandsparrow

    I, too, am waiting for Trumpdone, with the same trepidation about what awaits us in this in between. The patio is so wonderful!! Watching it take shape must distract at least a little from the general anxiety..

    1. deemallon

      Seeing the patio come together has been a very satisfying distraction, you’re right about that.

  4. Tina

    Love that your new patio is circular .. and love your large deck. Seems like a very peaceful place if only the surrounding construction projects would get done. I will be tuning in to what the Supreme Court decides tomorrow. I feel like from now till after the election will be like the craziest roller coaster ride any of us have ever been on. My only advice is that we all hold on tight and VOTE!!!


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