Almost October

A little tired and a little discouraged today and I don’t know why.

The business of selling? I’ve been clearing space to shoot photos, compiling stuff that might be sale-worthy, learning how to do this or that online, reviving my Etsy store. Really getting into it. It takes a lot of time. And, historically, it’s not really paid off.

Some store announcement, eh?

I’ve started populating two new Instagram accounts, both devoted to selling. Finished work will be posted to @deemallonquilts.

Supplies of all kinds and vintage notions and bibs and babs will be posted in another account : @fabricforsaleetc

Thank you to those of you who have already followed me there!

The brinkmanship in Washington is also wearying. That might be the sum total of this sag in energy, really. The GOP’s complete and utter lack of interest in governance or the good of the country just astounds me. Seriously baffling. What does Mitch McConnell get out of this, I keep asking myself. He doesn’t need money. He has power, power enough anyway. It’s all so vindictive and hypocritical and destructive and we could call him a petty tyrant and move on if he weren’t toying with all our futures.

There! Yes! That’s absolutely what’s exhausting me.

Pumpkin seeds sautéed in olive oil with cayenne: divine on butternut squash soup. From Globe’s Sunday magazine section

24 thoughts on “Almost October

  1. deb

    Marketing is as soul-sucking as trying to make sense of the GOP. I just imagined you setting up a card table and folding chair in the park, your work spread out in the sunshine, a cigar box with cash under your chair. Finn sleeping under the table. What a day.

    1. Anonymous

      This is Dee — I’ve thought about this ever since reading this comment. The simplicity of setting up a table and opening up a cash box. Not those days are gone!

  2. Marti

    Here’s the thing: it takes courage to put your art out there, to market it and talk about it, show it, hope it sells. I’ve never had that kind of courage and I admire all of you who do for to have faith in yourself, in your abilities, in your creations, is so admirable. The fact that this is a new way of selling for you Dee, well I know you will do well.

    Re: Washington:
    Where we all will not do well is in the state of hypocrisy, soul-shucking disregard of basic decency and down right evil that exists in Washington;it is absolutely draining, at all levels, how this goes on day after day. You see I try to keep an even keel most days, and I try to write that way as well. Yes there are days when I foam at the mouth but there are also days when I am a block of ice, numbed to all action, wanting the world to just go away. It gets so tiring and I am tired but when those numbing days come, I remember my beloved Dad telling me: walk the road, even if for every step you take, you also have to take two steps back, even if you have to change direction, take a detour, even if you have to kick rocks out of your way, keep walking…and his words so dovetail with what I read before going to sleep last night.

    I re-read Maya Angelou’s, “Wouldn’t Take Nothing For My Journey Now”, a series of essay in booklet form. the last paragraph of the essay titled, “New Directions”, these words:

    “Each of us has the right and the responsibility to assess the roads which lie ahead, and those over which we have traveled, and if the future road looms ominous or unpromising, and the roads back uninviting, then we need to gather our resolve and, carrying only the necessary baggage, step off and head in another direction. If the new choice, is also unpalatable,without embarrassment, we must be ready to change that as well.”

    1. deemallon Post author

      evil it is, the GOP. I’ve stopped considering words like “hypocritical” or “corrupt” sufficient. Than you for the Maya Angelou quote. Wasn’t she ever and deeply wise?

    2. deemallon Post author

      evil it is, the GOP. I’ve stopped considering words like “hypocritical” or “corrupt” sufficient. Than you for
      the Maya Angelou quote. Wasn’t she ever and deeply wise?

  3. cednie

    Goodness knows I don’t need any more bits and bobs… yet still going to subscribe to your fabricforsaleetc account! I agree about the politics…soul sucking and yet not going to get better any time soon I fear.

  4. debgorr

    I love to saute pumpkin seeds in olive oil. I usually add a bit of garlic salt and some paprika or something similar. I’ve sold things locally in the past and may do so again…I have really mixed feelings about it though. I’d rather make what I need and never seem to catch up with that.

  5. Saskia

    the business of selling is well business……..
    not something we ‘creatives’ tend to enjoy
    although there is the thrill of recognition when you do
    it’s a getting-the-right-balance-thingy (what isn’t these days?)
    love the 2 top images btw, they would make great postcards
    going to follow your new instagram too


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