Tag Archives: tv ads


Back to the land of sharp knives, automatic ice dispensation, and good reading light.

I will get my grubby paws on the remote and not let go for awhile. I will not listen to a single ad for thyroid eye disease, Kars4Kids, or Liberty Mutual (I swear if I had to watch that dipshit fall over the rail into the East River one more time I was gonna scream). No more Kevin Hart barking “NOT A GAME!”

However, shingles doesn’t care has entered the lexicon.

I’m also back to the land of SUNSHINE. I’m not exaggerating when I report that in three weeks in Los Angeles there were two, maybe three, brief afternoon showings of sun. Relentless grey.

It was a good trip, don’t get me wrong.

What do you miss most about home when you travel?

Billy’s hallway in the wee hours

The garden popped in the three weeks I was gone. Whew! Gorgeous. Stepping into the back yard yesterday was the strangest thing because it felt weirdly unfamiliar.

Today there will be weeding. I’ll finish reading the 49-page indictment. Salmon with a dill ginger sauce will be whipped up for dinner (Ali Slagle on NYTimes Cooking app). A dog walk is on the agenda.

News: the man who picked me up at the airport was wearing hearing aids. At last! Long overdue. He’s in the adjustment period but at least it’s now happening. (Nagging reached new heights with this one).

Speaking of nagging, now that I’ll resume my usual Finn-walking loops with the usual number of steps, do you think Apple can stop with the “your steps have changed” notifications?

For place keeping, the following pic.

PS The best thing I read about Aileen Cannon being assigned to the case was a news watcher’s assertion that Jack Smith is a better prosecutor than Cannon is a bad judge.

You’d think she’d want to avoid more blistering rebukes from the 11th Circuit Appeals Court, but I’m not counting on it. But remember: the insurrection case will be brought in D.C.