Monthly Archives: February 2010

Late Feb Mosaic

1. Slip stitch pattern, prior to blocking, 2. travellers palm, 3. hairpin banksia, 4. JunkerJane Textile Art, 5. objectart 1/ emotion, 6. detail 3, 7. painted wall sign, 8. journey cloth_15, 9. Sleepers, Awake (detail), 10. Yawn… Maddie and Harry…, 11. Blue angel, 12. School Days, 13. Jane Austen – structural experiments – detail, 14. Synthesis #21, 15. Books, 16. Alger. Casbah, 17. Blown up., 18. House nestled in Vineyard, Fall Nature in Germany, 19. The Flying dog – The strange case of the dog who jumped over his shadow, 20. Work Quilt #3 – Detail

Grey Sunday outside of Boston has me choosing a mix of hot oranges and cool blues…. enjoy.

Canada’s hockey team just scored again — I’d better go watch!

ask a child about COLOR

quilt designed by third grader

My experience with children and color is that they will knock your socks off with their choices.

I have also noticed that even children with absolutely NO experience with fiber, fabric or sewing have a great nose for the BEST fabrics (another reason not to set foot in JoAnn’s again).

This quilt was designed by an 8 or 9 year old.  She laid it out.  I pieced, quilted, and bound it.  She won the collaboration and quilt in a fundraiser for her school.

Daffodils for a grey day

This is how it looked here yesterday.  Many branches down this morning on account of the wind.

Ken wishes it was snow, but I don’t.  I could actually smell the earth yesterday, and after months of cold, what could be better?

These daffodils made their way to my sister’s bedside yesterday, but I (and Ms. Goosey-Goose) got to enjoy them first.

Cleaning up more than anything else around here, which means little sewing.  But one space I cleared now is full of collage activity.  Here is a photoshopped collage of one of the collages.

Revisiting work that wasn’t finished…

One of the quilters who spoke to my guild last year said, “Any quilt that I don’t like is just an unfinished quilt.”

Yesterday, I read in Morna’s blog about picking up a piece she had THOUGHT was finished, had put up for sale, and returned to, because it WASN’T finished.

I have many pieces that I don’t like.  This doesn’t stop me from trying to sell them, because, lo and behold, the pieces I don’t personally like often go the most quickly.

But lately, partly because of my disinclination to be in my basement studio, and partly as a result of the provocative discussions in Slow Cloth circles, I am enjoying the process of picking up a piece and really adding to it, reworking it… If we were talking painting, the first go ’round of design and quilting would be the equivalent of priming the canvas.

This little UFO floated into my orbit just as I was pondering the idea that it might be liberating to be ‘done with houses’.  Nevertheless, something about it drew me back in.

I have added many new rooves, and am turning some of the black areas into roads.  The quilt sprang out of a road trip a little later in the year than this, last year… Eventually, this quilt will be ‘binding worthy’.

Draggy February

D. is half-asleep upstairs.  Another storm is on its way (will it snow? will it rain?)

It’s his throat.  It’s ANOTHER sick day (have we hit 20 yet?).  February in New England is hard.  Being a teenager is hard.  Being a kinetic being and sitting in school for X hours a day is hard.  I hope he outgrows this ‘catching every bug that comes along’ thing.

But for now, there is homemade chicken soup in the fridge (from yesterday) and a drawer full of Ricola cough drops.  Time to make tea!