Simple pleasure / simple need

coffee steaming by dee at clothcompany

Today I offer a quote by Wendell Berry from his 1987 book, “Home Economics” —

“Once we grant the possibility of a proper human scale, we see that we have made a radical change of assumptions and values. We realize that we are less interested in technological ‘breakthroughs’ than in technological elegance. Of a new tool or method we will no longer ask: Is it fast? Is it powerful? … We will ask instead: Can we (and our children) afford it? Is it fitting to our real needs? Is it becoming to us?”

Even though in this post-internet age, speed and innovation seem to matter to us more than ever, these strike me as worthwhile questions.

coffee pot cloth backlit

And yes, I am still working with white, though this morning I pressed a mound of brilliant green and indigo blue squares. I nearly swooned after so much tan, beige, linen, oyster and ecru.

14 thoughts on “Simple pleasure / simple need

  1. handstories

    simple is so desirable, there is such beauty in it (& in your cloth). oatmeal & two cups of tea in the morning is all I need (& a little stitching!).

    1. deedeemallon

      for me, it is coffee (black these days), and oatmeal or a handful of nuts, and my Daily Pages. it is good to rest in routines and simple pleasures.

  2. Mo Crow

    ah a celebration of coffee in stitch! it’s my last vice… cigarettes, bourbon and all the other unmentionables no longer apply at 58 years but I love my 3 coffees every morning & it’s time for the 3rd she says at 4am procrastinating like mad exploring blogs when I “should” or “could” or “would” be drawing crows but this is just too good and just had to say thank you!

    1. deedeemallon

      I know what you mean, Mo… I havent had a drink since 1988, but I didn’t even give up coffee during my pregnancies (reduced to a single cup, but you should’ve seen the size of the mug!)

  3. Anonymous

    this is a truly elegant illustration of a truly elegant Man’s words.
    makes me very happy…both….and then you, for showing me….

  4. Anonymous

    trying again….a truly elegant illustration to a truly elegant man’s words
    thank you, dee

    1. deedeemallon

      I think this is going into the ‘pending approval’ folder on acct of it being ‘anonymous’…. is this Grace by any chance?

  5. Anonymous

    dee…yes…it’s an OH SO FUSTRATED me, grace…wwwwwhy can’t i
    post here?????????????ACK ACK ACK

  6. deedeemallon

    I know you’ve had problems before, Grace, and had to switch email addresses or something – but you are not the only one. If I had the energy, I would research wordpress threads to see what’s up. It’s a platform I don’t love, honestly, but it has served me fairly well. Sorry!

  7. karmadondruplhamo

    and O K. i am FED UP. i am going to keep trying things till i figure something out. here goes………… (grace again)

  8. deedeemallon

    Grace all three of your comments now show on my screen…do you need to refresh yours or something to make them pop up?

    Again, I am so sorry.

    Are you getting a captcha code to type in? What happens? Does it SAY “pending moderation”? The ‘karma’ one went through without approval. I am wondering if all anonymous comments require approval.

    I don’t want you to go nuts… I should be the one figuring this out.

  9. karmadondruplhamo

    oh great. this is my ancient wordpress Yahoo account name. i have a more current one from Glennis’ class which would be BoroNoragi
    oh well…i will just identify self every time…at least i’m on your page…..
    anyway…i really love this cloth and really love that you related it to
    these Wendell words. wonder what he would say to my distress here?
    probably that it is unbecoming.


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