Saved up words

I went looking for a quote about how areas in our life that are the messiest are often the areas where the most progress is being made. Couldn’t find it. Here’s what I found instead. Enjoy!

“Good writing begins where there is a knot.”
Margaret Atwood

“Art is not about telling our secrets… but it does have to be free to go wherever it needs to go and usually our pain comes out first.”
Pat Schneider, Writing Alone and with Others“We are large enough to encompass our losses. We are brave enough to dream again, risk again, love again. We just need the assurance that we really can do so, and this assurance will come to us in a thousand forms, large and very small, if we ask for it. But ask we must.”
Julia Cameron, The Vein of Gold

“There is no courage without vulnerability.” Brene Brown

“It is not what we do which makes us holy, but we ought to make holy what we do … ” Meister Eckhart

“What would happen if one woman told the truth about her life? The world would split open.”
Denis Levertov, as quoted by Pat Schneider

“Any life will provide material for writing if it is attended to.” Wallace Stegner

“Anger is loaded with information and power.” Audre Lord, Sister Outsider

“We pick and choose what we think is most important, forgetting that it’s all important.” Jude Hill, Spirit Cloth

All SoulCollage by me. Some fairly old.

8 thoughts on “Saved up words

  1. snicklefritzin43

    Thank you for so many deep, thought provoking quotes and fine collages. On a very blustery, more like autumn than spring morning, my soul was blanketed in warmth.

    1. deemallon

      Good to know! The sun is out today and FINALLY the wind has subsided. Hope you have a good day, Kristin!

  2. Michelle Slater

    BEST QUOTES and some of my FAVORITE PEOPLE. Makes me feel akin to you. Had a lovely Zoomcast meditation session and Dharma talk with my Zendo at 6, then cooking and eating supper while watching ‘Call the Midwife’, washed up, transferred photos, did some blog building and was in bed by 1 a.m. (usual for me), but woke three hours later as seems to be my custom. Sat awhile thinking about everything (news, friends) and here I am at 4 a.m. having read favorite blogs, gotten sad that Type-pad won’t let me comment though Grace and Jude know I do and to look in their spam folders. Sending love.

    1. deemallon

      We are often up at the same time, my friend. You sound busy, though, and well — I’m glad. I hate the computer glitches especially because there never seems to be any cause.

  3. jude

    yes to the knot. yes to the chaos and all the confusion. That’s where it is. The turning point. I think back to my son’s tantrums. the next day he seemed so much more in every way.


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