Spring cleanse salad


IMG_9247Any salad with bitter greens and lemon juice fits the bill.  Mine features broccoli sprouts, watercress, lettuce and cabbage.
IMG_9245If you are in a more ‘serious’ cleanse, skip the olive oil and spritz with lemon only.
IMG_9242This mild cabbage partnered well with the watercress and tangy broccoli sprouts.


2 thoughts on “Spring cleanse salad

  1. Elizabeth Germain

    Sounds divinely simple and tasty. You got sour, pungent, spicy and sweet in a handful of ingredients. Did you salt the greens? If so, you have a healthy representatives of all five flavors. A Cleansing and Balanced salad. A springtime suggestion, try substituting strawberries for tomatoes. Thanks for sharing!

    1. deemallon

      Thank you Elizabeth! Salt yes. Tomatoes did not feel like a good fit but they needed using. Would never have thought of strawberries!


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