Monthly Archives: June 2014

Considering Weave – summer class with Jude Hill

Last week marked the beginning of another online learning adventure with Jude Hill over at Spirit Cloth.  I will not footnote every idea/work that springs from there (out of laziness; also to honor how quickly the ideas may flow).  Just know here, upfront, there will be many strands of discussion from that forum showing up here, with gratitude and excitement!IMG_3839I made many woven rectangles during Jude’s class “Cloth to Cloth”.  At that time, I discovered how one could FIRST weave with the cloth, THEN create more weaving with thread (after all, a RUNNING STITCH is essentially a weave — over/under, over/under), AND THEN, create more faux weaving by appliqueing chips of fabric onto the surface.
IMG_3925I found the exercise of making these rectangles satisfying and irresistible. I have piles of them downstairs.  Pictured above are four that were lying about. Early experiments in incorporating woven rectangles into larger quilts (like the landscape, upper right) were not always successful.

Last night I worked on a Little Pink Elephant (notice her woven skin!!).
IMG_3890The horizontal blue stitching came first.  Next, I stitched the vertical white thread to look like weaving.  Unlike a loom, where the vertical threads would be the stable, structure-forming threads, my verticals are wobbly… they are forced to accommodate the less-than-regular rhythm of the blue.

IMG_3916I am in love with the concentric circles in the sky.

Would I have thought to interrupt the circles’ paths around the blue disk without the discussion of weaving at Spirit Cloth? I don’t know.  I’ll probably travel a different color thread through the white circles.

The rest of the pictures are from the morning’s walk and all triggered by the thoughts of weave in general and basket-making in particular.

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Collages paired with Camera Shots




“Heart Center”




“Ways to Fall”

I wondered if there were four recent pictures on my phone that could stand in for the same titles. These are the four I picked.




“Heart Center” (this crow is for Wendy’s children)




Ways to Fall — 1702 Quaker Cemetery, Salem, MA


IMG_9759It is an absolutely gorgeous morning here.  The air is delicately cool. The sun illuminates the greenery in a way that says, “Summer!”
IMG_9771The yellow washing through the beds is cheery and all the more delightful for arriving suddenly, like a surprise visit from a good friend. I don’t even really mind, today, that the rabbits ate all my sunflower seedlings, except for one.
IMG_9594Coffee water roils. Gotta go. It’s a PT morning and a Salem day.

And, here’s a video footnote…. I know by now we have all heard Pharrell William’s song maybe one time too many (and I’m still wondering, “What’s with that hat?!”), but the variety of dancing videos to the song are kind of wonderful.  Here’s one of my favorites.

Happy in Paris.

Sea Island Indigo and The Fool

four-quarters-moonWhen I found out about a three-day indigo forum in Charleston, South Carolina this coming September, I practically jumped out of my seat.  I didn’t even go to the impracticality of the opportunity given its price…  just reveled in the notion of a free and clear calendar.

How different to consider a pricey tuition than to anticipate the juggling of school and doctors’ appointments and meals and well, you know, parenting!
scrap-bundleCheck it out:  Sea Island Indigo Workshop.

Here is the revised and nearly complete “Fool”. I let the underlying blue paper serve as mountains, instead of the cut-out denim I had originally.  And I replaced the sad-eyed basset with the black and white mutt you see below.  I was happy to find this dog — it so nearly mimics the one depicted in the Rider deck. The Rider deck will be my prime source, by the way.
In terms of synchronicity — I was cutting out the suitcase, wondering whether I would find a good rose (something I considered essential for the card), when I flipped over the page and found the one you see there!

All that remains is to add title and number and make color xerox at proper size. And maybe revise the sun rays. What do you think? Too hokey? Inconsistent with the rest?